The National Energy Policy is imperative as energy has a major impact on every aspect of our socio-economic lives. It plays a vital role in the economic, social, and political development of our nation. An inadequate supply of energy restricts socioeconomic activities, limits economic growth, and adversely affects the quality of life. Improvements in standards of living are manifested in increased food production, increased industrial output, the provision of efficient transportation, adequate shelter, healthcare, and other human services.
These will require increased energy consumption. Thus, our future energy requirements will continue to grow with the increase in living standards, industrialization, and a host of other socio-economic factors.
It is pertinent to note that the impact of energy goes beyond national boundaries. Energy supply
can be used as an instrument of foreign policy in the promotion of international cooperation
and development.
Need for a National Energy Policy
The level of energy utilization in an economy, coupled with the efficiency of conversion of energy resources to useful energy is directly indicative of the level of development of the economy. In order to ensure an optimal, adequate, reliable, and secure supply of energy and its efficient utilization in the country, it is essential to put in place a coordinated, coherent, and comprehensive energy policy.